Using Python's pathlib to Work with JSON Files: Why and How?

Using Python's pathlib to Work with JSON Files: Why and How?

Python's standard library provides a plethora of modules designed to make common operations simple and straightforward. Among these, the pathlib module, introduced in Python 3.4, has become a favored tool for file and directory operations. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using pathlib for reading JSON files in conjunction with the json module.

What is pathlib?

pathlib offers an object-oriented interface to filesystem paths. Instead of manipulating paths as raw strings or with functions from the os module, pathlib allows you to work with paths as objects, making many tasks intuitive and reducing the risk of errors.

Advantages of Using pathlib for Reading JSON Files:

  1. Platform Independence: With pathlib, there's no need to worry about path separators (\ for Windows, / for Unix-based systems). Constructing paths is natural and automatically adapted to the operating system:

     from pathlib import Path
     file_path = Path('data')/'sample.json'
  2. Concise Reading: pathlib simplifies file reading. For instance, to read a text file, you can simply use:

     content = Path('sample.json').read_text()

    No need to use a with statement and open function for such a straightforward operation.

  3. Chainability: Owing to its object-oriented nature, methods can be chained, allowing for more expressive code:

     data = json.loads((Path('data') / 'sample.json').read_text())
  4. Better Error Handling: Using pathlib, it's easier to check if a file exists before trying to open it:

     file_path = Path('sample.json')
     if file_path.exists():
         content = file_path.read_text()

Reading a JSON File using pathlib and json:

With pathlib, reading a JSON file and parsing its content can be achieved succinctly:

from pathlib import Path
import json

file_path = Path('C:/path/filename')
content = file_path.read_text()
data = json.loads(content)

Here, file_path.read_text() reads the entire content of the specified JSON file and returns it as a string. This string is then passed to json.loads(), which parses the JSON content and returns a Python dictionary.


For developers accustomed to handling files using the traditional open() method and dealing with platform-specific quirks in path manipulation, pathlib offers a refreshing, concise, and efficient alternative. When paired with the json module, reading JSON files becomes a task that's not only simple but also a pleasure to code.

It's worth noting that while pathlib excels in simplifying many file operations, it doesn't replace the need for the open() method, especially for complex operations. However, for common tasks like reading an entire JSON file, the elegance and simplicity of pathlib are undeniable.